Trying again

Now that this site is listed on my CV, I should probably do better at writing here. I thought that I would have a bit more time this semester, but it turns out that even the second go-round of the US History survey is pretty time consuming when you’re a) not an American historian and b) a perfectionist. And while getting the opportunity to spend two weeks in central Europe with a RU alumni group in May is going to be excellent, it turns out writing five lectures on a part of the world that I could easily talk about for several months is also time-consuming.

While writing here may be my fourth or fifth priority (probably closer to eighth or ninth, if I include things like eating), and despite the fact that very few (if any) others will actually read this, I will do better.

Given my upcoming trip to Vienna I think I’ll put aside Robert Gernhardt for a while and try my hand at some Erich Fried.

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